Lisvane Road, Lisvane, Cardiff CF14 0AU
call 07392 090258 or 02920 765837

The Badminton

Five bedroom detached home with integrated double garage

Ground Floor

Kitchen 5.51m 4.82m
18’0” 15’9”
Family 7.38m 4.57m
24’2” 15’0”
Lounge* 6.71m 4.05m
22’0” 13’3”

* dimension includes bay

First Floor

Bedroom 1* 4.24m 4.09m
13’10” 13’4”
Dressing 4.09m 2.36m
13’4” 7’9”
Bedroom 2 6.03m 3.81m
19’9” 12’5”
Bedroom 3 3.87m 3.21m
12’8” 10’6”

* dimension includes bay

Second Floor

Bedroom 4 4.28m 4.09m
14’0” 13’4”
Bedroom 5 4.28m 3.49m
14’0” 11’5”